Highs and Lows

Hello from Pittsburgh! I'm actually back in my hometown for a quick work trip - it's my first time being back since we moved. I'm sure I'll have more to share in my post next week, but for now here's how last week went. Things were a bit hectic because my family came down to visit for our housewarming, which unfortunately had to be cancelled when Dan got Covid. Luckily I've tested negative (a whopping 6 times) but it definitely changed our plans a lot! Monday 800 yard swim This week we started doing workouts in our swim, which was a big challenge for me! Today the plan was a 200 yard warmup, then 2 x 100 yard pushing the pace and a 200 yard cool down. It's so hard to try to go faster while swimming, because you lose your breath a lot faster and seems like you can never catch it. It was definitely a good practice for me though and I'm kind of excited to see how this helps my overall pace on easier swims. 45 min standing yoga After the swim I made it in t...