Easy Week

Finished up another week of triathlon training. This one felt like a bit of a cutback week- the weather was really stormy and humid and I didn't really want to be outside much, and I was also busy with work and doing projects around the house. I still managed to get in my 2 swims, 3 runs, and 2 bikes that I wanted, so I'll still call this week a success. I even managed to squeeze in two rest days!

Here's the week of workouts-


Rest Day!

Dan and I dog-sat for a friend and then went to a cookout, so I had no energy for any kind of exercise today. We took it easy and rested after an eventful weekend.


800 yard swim

My goal for this swim was to do 400 yards, but I felt really good so just kept going! I tried to make it 250 yards without taking a break and that helped to make the swim feel more manageable. Getting closer to the race distance which makes me happy!


30 min walk + run

I went to a local band's show the night before and ended up getting back way past my regular bedtime, so a workout before work was not going to happen. I went running at lunch and it was over 90 degrees out, so I decided it would be an easy run/walk day. I actually felt relatively good on this run, probably because everytime I was getting overheated or tired out a walk was coming up! I really liked the playlist that I listened to - it was a Jess King class and really fun. Like she said in the class- if you're going to be on the struggle bus at least be the one driving it.

3 mile walk

Stopped by Lake Johnson in the evening for a walk with Erica. Since I'm currently without a car I haven't been able to meet up with her for morning runs like usual, so we made up for it with a nice long walk together. It was great to catch up and also loved walking around the lake.


850 yard swim

Today my goal was to get in 20 minutes of swimming, and that ended up being just a little over what I did on Tuesday. I actually felt great on this swim and wanted to keep going and get up to 1000 yards, but was meeting a friend for a dog walk before work. I was so happy to feel good and smooth while I was swimming!

6.5 mile bike

At lunchtime I decided to take a bike ride up to a local coffee shop. It was a really nice and easy ride, so now I want to take it more often and maybe even bring my work laptop along next time to work from there. I got an iced chai latte with oat milk and it helped power me back home.


Rest Day!

Another rest day this week because I had doctors appointments for myself and a vet appointment for Selma. We went on a walk before work but otherwise it was an easy day.


2.5 mile run

Morning run with Dan before tennis! It was a rough morning so it was nice to have Dan to keep me company and make sure I didn't quit as soon as I stepped outside.

1 hour tennis

My last tennis lesson. I'm so happy that I signed up for this program and absolutely loved it! I can't wait to keep playing, but it will be nice to have my Saturday mornings back again.


Mini Brick Workout

Today I did my first "brick" workout in tri training! A brick is when you do 2 workouts back to back to help prepare for the transitions in an actual race. Mine was more of a sandwich because I biked to a park, went for a run, and biked back. The bike portion was very short- just 3 miles total- and I did a 5k run. It was so humid and drizzling a little which made it challenging, but it was also nice to practice biking in wet conditions (it was storming all night so there were puddles everywhere). My legs felt a bit heavy on the run but I ended up running faster than usual!


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