Highs and Lows

Hello from Pittsburgh! I'm actually back in my hometown for a quick work trip - it's my first time being back since we moved. I'm sure I'll have more to share in my post next week, but for now here's how last week went. Things were a bit hectic because my family came down to visit for our housewarming, which unfortunately had to be cancelled when Dan got Covid. Luckily I've tested negative (a whopping 6 times) but it definitely changed our plans a lot! 


800 yard swim

This week we started doing workouts in our swim, which was a big challenge for me! Today the plan was a 200 yard warmup, then 2 x 100 yard pushing the pace and a 200 yard cool down. It's so hard to try to go faster while swimming, because you lose your breath a lot faster and seems like you can never catch it. It was definitely a good practice for me though and I'm kind of excited to see how this helps my overall pace on easier swims.

45 min standing yoga

After the swim I made it in time for a live yoga class on Peloton. Today was all about standing postures and balance, which is my favorite. It was definitely challenging but really fun.

50 min kayak

It was a gorgeous day out so I made it to the lake for a quick kayak. The water was perfect and not too choppy so I really enjoyed this!


3 mile run

It's been a while, but I was reunited with Erica for an early morning run. We met up at Dix Park and did a fun loop around, followed by a visit to the sunflower fields. It felt great to do a super early run again (even if it was tough waking up!)


6 mile bike

For once I actually woke up early enough to get in a bike ride before work, and it was great! I had my first speed workout to do today, which was 3 rounds of 2 minute sprints. I really enjoyed this and it was so much fun to push the pace. It was a little challenging because I had to navigate around people who were out on the trail for a walk or run and also hit some steep hills, but it was great practice.


Rest Day!

I was a bit down in the dumps this day since we had to cancel our party the night before, and didn't want to be around anyone until I was able to test negative. Luckily I could get an appointment right away for a test (and then took at home tests every day following) but I just kind of hung around at home, brought Dan some food to his quarantine room when he needed it, and cuddled Selma.


2 hour SUP

The weather was great in the morning, so I met up with my family to rent paddleboards at the lake! I figured this was the best non-contact activity to do, since you can't get closer than 6 feet on the boards even if you tried! It was a lot of fun and felt nice to get outside and on the water.


15 min open water swim

I did my first ever open water swim today! It was really challenging- harder than I expected, but also gave me a lot of confidence for finishing the swim at the actual race. Even though when I started I panicked a little bit, I was still able to keep moving on my own and didn't need to grab onto anything or stop at any moment which made me feel a lot more comfortable. It was really different from being in a pool (obviously), but what mostly freaked me out was going underwater and not being able to see even a foot in front of me! Once I got used to that and also knew I could tread water or doggy paddle if needed I felt a lot better. After I finished I kayaked a bit and the distance I swam was a little over 1/4 mile when I measured it on my kayak.


Brick Workout

Today was my first official brick workout (I did one a few weeks ago but it was just a mini one). A brick is when you do a bike immediately followed by a run, to practice transitioning in a triathlon and get used to the feeling of running on dead legs! I definitely felt the jello leg feeling after I finished my bike, which was 8.5 miles, and did a 2 mile run. It was great practice though and definitely hard but good!


  1. Wow - workouts, COVID, family, work trip... another busy week in the life. So sorry Dan got COVID but glad it happened *before* the party and that there weren't inadvertent exposures and that you got to spend a bit of time with your family in spite of all of that. I'll be interested to hear how your trip to Pittsburgh was now that you've been gone for so long!

    1. Thanks Anne! I'm also happy he didn't seem to spread it at all so I'm glad we caught it when we did


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