Another MILEstone

Good morning! I'm a little late sharing my weekly workout recap but it was overall a decent week. I hit a bit milestone (pun intended..will make sense below) on my swim but otherwise had kind of an easier week. Here's how it went- just over a month to go!


45 min walk + run
I really wanted a longer run today since it's getting cooler out, so I settled on a walk + run. I love these classes because they're so approachable and make me go further than what I would have done if it was just a straight up run.

1 hour yoga
Afternoon yoga in the park is becoming one of my favorites. We had a little spot of rain at the start of class but it quickly ended and it just because a beautiful day to be outside. Loved this class and ending my day on an active but relaxing note.


1,000 yard swim
I was not feeling great for the swim today- I think it was all in my head and I just couldn't get myself to relax in the water. I was feeling anxious about how close the race is and missing out on my open water swim over the weekend, and couldn't get into the swim. I still did the workout that I had planned- 300 warmup, 4 x 100 fast, 300 cool down. I just took a lot of breaks between those sets! I'm happy that I still got this done but need to just keep training hard and trust that I'll be ok for the race.


10 mile bike

I went out for a lunchtime bike ride and couldn't decide what to do, but then I saw Katie Zaferes (bronze and silver medalist at the Tokyo Olympics in the triathlon) did a bike ride on the White Oak greenway I decided to do the same! Hey- can't hurt to train like an Olympian :) I knew she lived in the area but I'm just waiting for the day when I see her out on a run or bike ride!


2.1 mile run

I was originally planning on going for a swim, but Dan and I didn't feel like it so I went for an easy run instead. It felt really great and I'm loving the cooler morning temperatures lately.

2.25 mile hike

Made it out for a nice post-work hike at one of my favorite parks! I love going to Hemlock Bluffs because it feels like you're surrounded by nature completely even though it's so easy to get to. You can definitely hear a lot of traffic noise so it's not too isolating, but the views are spectacular.


1,800 yard swim

I did my mile swim this morning and it went so well! I went in just telling myself I would get the distance done no matter how many breaks I had to take or how long it took me, but I ended up feeling really good and did better than expected. To break up the distance, I followed a workout from Colleen Quigley's blog - 
  • 400 build- start out easy, let your body warm up into it

  • 8x100 holding the same stroke count and time for all 8 reps. Take as much time as you need to keep the pace and stroke count the same. 

  • 8x50 holding faster score than 100s (score = time plus Stroke count)

  • 200 ascend- let your body cooldown

Saturday + Sunday

Rest Day!

I had a great weekend of doing absolutely nothing (besides a few quick walks). Dan was away for the weekend and it was stormy out, so I took the opportunity to just relax. I caught up on some reading, practiced crocheting, and binge-watched Watch Out for the Big Grrrls (loved it and love Lizzo!)


  1. Getting so close (and it's even closer now!). I'm glad that you had rest days - you must need them at this point! - and that you continue to integrate yoga and other forms of movement into your day. I am terrible at variety, but you really know how to do it!


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