Getting Closer

I'm starting to get reminders from the race that it's right around the corner and honestly it's starting to freak me out a bit! It feels like it's so close, but luckily I'm feeling ready - with the exception of my swim. I don't think I'll ever mentally feel prepared for that! But- it was another decent week of workouts- here's how it went.


3.1 mile run

Small victory today- I ran nonstop for this entire run! Over the summer I've been doing a lot of run/walks so this felt like a (literal) step in the right direction.


10 min yoga
I didn't feel like leaving the dogs alone to work out this morning (we've been dog sitting for a friend since Friday) so I took it easy and was lazy all day until I finally decided to do some yoga. It was pretty chaotic- Finn wanted to be involved and was all over me while I did this and kept cracking me up! It wasn't the best yoga but was definitely good for the soul.


1,000 yard swim

Easy swim this morning- I divided it into a 200 yard warmup, 100 yard of drills, 200 yard getting faster every 25 yards, 200 easy, and then a few all out sprints racing Dan and a cool down. It was nice to know that 1,000 isn't super intimidating to me like it was a few weeks ago!

Bike commute
I wanted a change of scenery today so I went for a bike ride to work from a coffee shop. We've been getting Google Fiber installed in my neighborhood so it's been super noisy, and Finn just went back home to his owners, so it was the perfect time to switch things up!


20 min Upper Body strength
I joined in Adrian's upper body strength class today - I love the morning "roll call" classes that Peloton has been doing. They're mostly aimed at beginners and focus on a different muscle group each day of the week so you don't have to think too much about programming and balancing everything. So nice!

1 hour kayak
I had the urge to go kayaking today, so as soon as I finished work for the day I headed to the lake. Did some reading in a hammock, painted for a bit, and then went in the water. Such a gorgeous day- I couldn't get over the clouds! It was also really empty at the park since it felt like it might storm, but I loved the quiet.


2.5 mile run
My original plan for the day was sunrise yoga and a run like I used to do, but unfortunately it was stormy so I couldn't go. Dan ended up dropping me off at a park on his way to work and I ran home from there. It was a nice change of pace and the little bit of rain I got was refreshing. I also did a bit of yoga when I got home.


Brick Workout

I had Dan join me today for his very first brick- we started with a 40 minute bike ride and then did a 15 minute run. On the bike he was pushing the pace and I tried keeping up, and it was the opposite on the run with me in the lead and him trying to keep up with me! It was a great workout and a lot more fun doing it with someone else instead of alone.


Rest Day!
We had a late night going to a baseball game, and were having friends over for a party so we ended up skipping our swim today. Not the best idea, but it was great to see so many friends! I did get out for a walk with Selma which is always the best.


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