Quick Trip

This was another hectic week that kind of threw off my training. I had to go to Pittsburgh for work, and then needed to take some time to rest after an eventful past few weeks! Sometimes rest is just what you need. Here are some highlights of the week and my workouts on the road!


Travel Day!

This morning I traveled to Pittsburgh for work. I had a pretty early flight (which was luckily direct and had no delays). Once I got into town I worked in the office for the day and got outside for a nice long walk at lunchtime. Reminded me of the old days when I would go on walks everyday just to get out of the office for a bit!


3.5 mile run

My long day of meetings started at 7:30, so I had to get up early to fit in a run. I ran along the riverfront trail into the Strip District and then grabbed some breakfast. It was interesting to see how much things have changed in the last year and I loved the cooler temperatures and lower humidity.


2 mile run

I was exhausted from the previous day (we got done at 6 and then I met up with some friends afterwards) so I kept it easier with just a 2 mile run on the other side of the river on a dreary and drizzly morning. I also got to take a longer walk after work to meet up with my mom and sister for drinks once I was done for the day and before I flew back home!


20 min Disney Ride
I was so tired when I woke up so I took it easy, then when I was ready to go for a ride it was pouring rain. So- Peloton to the rescue! I did a Disney ride with Cody and it was just what I needed- nothing too difficult and very enjoyable.


1,250 yard swim

It felt great to get back in the pool after taking a week off swimming. My plan today was to warm up, do some drills, then do 4 sets of 100 yards hard and finish up with a cool down. It's so interesting to me now how the "easy" parts feel so easy to me now and like I could keep swimming as long as possible, when it used to be so hard for me to even do 25 yards nonstop. I love all the progress!


750 yard swim

I had to end the month with another time trial, and I was so close to getting under 5:00! I'm so happy to see my times steadily getting faster and I'm feeling so much better when I'm out there. I think I might have pushed it too hard with yesterday's swim as well because the rest of the day (and Sunday) I was having really bad muscle spasms in my abs and felt pretty awful.


Rest Day

Definitely needed this- I felt like everything from the past few weeks caught up to me and I just needed a rest! We also had a party at a friend's house Saturday night that involved a lot of games and activities (Dan and I won second place in pong- Selma was thrilled to model the metal for me) so I was pretty tired on top of still having spasms. I think I walked a total of a half mile all day and it was great.


  1. I'm so glad that swimming is going so well! And, I'm glad that you took that rest day - it sounds like you needed it. <3


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