Another Week, Another Race

Good morning everyone! I had my second tri of the year over the weekend, and also had a great week of workouts! Starting this week I'm officially in training for my longest tri ever- the Olympic distance. I'm equal parts excited and scared! I'll share more about my training for that soon, but in the meantime here's how a week of training and racing went-


3 mile run

Started the week with a lunch run. I was still really sore and tired from our backpacking trip, so I wasn't sure how this would go and was happy that I felt relatively good! I did another Peloton run that had intervals of jogging, running, and sprinting that helped the time pass by really quickly.


12.5 mile bike

This was one of my best training rides ever- I didn't feel like I was pushing that much but checked my watch at one point and realized I was going much faster than I thought! When I got home and uploaded to Strava, I saw that I set a PR on every single segment, which was crazy to me. I'm not sure what the magic of today was but it was an amazing ride where everything seemed to click.


3 mile run

Made it two weeks in a row of going to run club. It was a HOT day so this was definitely a struggle, but it was great to see friends and be able to catch up on the run.


7 mile bike

It was a nice day out, so Dan and I decided to bike to Fortnight Brewery to meet up with friends for music bingo. The greenway is really easy to bike (even if it gets a bit hilly) so this was a perfect bike commute! Plus- Dan managed to win one of the rounds of bingo. Wins all around.


Rest day!


3 Little Pigs Triathlon

I got to do my second triathlon of the year this weekend! It was in a nearby town called Smithfield, and was a much different format than I've done before. The swim was a pool time trial, where a new person started every 10 seconds. We had to do 250 yards, changing lanes every length of the pool. It was a little funky and threw me off my rhythym a bit but I finished ahead of my goal time of 5:30.

Next was the bike, which was 14 miles around the town. It wasn't my favorite course- a lot of it was on a busy road so it didn't feel safe, and the road was very bumpy! My goal was to be under an hour and I ended up in about 56:00.

Finally it was a 5k run around a park and through a greenway. By this point I was so tired and it was getting HOT out, so I managed to finish by doing a run/walk from about the halfway point till the end. It wasn't a great run, but I was happy to finish!


Rest day!


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