Back to Office

We are officially in the final stretch before my last race of the year! I'm so excited to see how I do compared to last year. This was a week of transition- I'm back in the office now so that's definitely changing how my workouts went and how I could squeeze them in again. I'll figure it out but for now it's been a little rough! Here's how the week went- 


1 hour yoga
Yoga was very much needed today- I had my first day back in the office this morning (after 3.5 years away!). It was a long and stressful day so it felt great to end my day with some stretching and easy movement.


30 min run
Very sticky and warm run today at lunchtime- I headed to a park that I haven't been to in a while and it was great to have a change of scenery!


1 hour bootcamp

Today's class was so hard! Our first three stations were all wall sits- one regular one with a weight overhead, and then holding a weight and just using one leg in the hold. It was really challenging, and the rest of the stations were just as difficult. I was so done by the end, and of course we had to finish with burpees. Tough class!

1 hour bike

Lunch bike ride was really great- I did 20 minute warmup, 20 minutes pushing hard, and 20 minutes cool down. It felt good to shake out the legs and the hard minutes felt great.


1500 yard swim
This was our last (outdoor) pool swim of the year! It seems like this season went by way too quickly. I had a really great swim to finish out the year though with lots of hard laps. Feeling good going into my race!


2 mile hike
I was back in the office today and had plans after work, so I decided to visit Durant Nature Preserve on my way to meet my friends. It was a really pretty, quiet park with some great views of a small lake. I love lake trails, so this was a great way to end the week.


1 hour bike
We had a busy day ahead of us, so we were just able to squeeze in a little bike ride in the morning. It's starting to get chilly in the mornings and evenings, so this was a cold ride! I definitely need to start layering up for rides now. We kept this pretty easy and just biked out to a lake and back.


40 min run
Ended the week with an easy run around the neighborhood. I felt a bit sore and tired on this run after a long weekend full of fun, so it wasn't my best run ever but I got it done. 


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