February and March Goals

It’s been a MINUTE since I’ve been here- February and March were both such crazy months that I feel like I haven’t even had a minute to myself, let alone to do anything extra! February in particular was insane- I had 2 trips to Pittsburgh for work, also went to Virginia to teach my first crochet class (!), and went on vacation to Argentina (!!). Much more to share about that trip, but for now let’s just get caught up on my goals! I’ll give updates for both months and just share the updates for goals I’m crossing off, so let’s get right into it.




Day Hike. I’ll talk more about this in my trip recap, but we did a ton of hiking while we were in Patagonia, and one of them was a full day hike. Definitely counting that for this goal!

ANNUAL GOAL: Try a new class each month. In February I went to my friend Erica’s treadX class at Flow Corps. This was such a fun but hard class- the class is divided into treadmill and pilates/strength. I was so tired at the end but loved it! In March, I started a new program on the Peloton app- floor bootcamp- which is also challenging but I love that I can feel myself getting stronger.



Monitize hobbies. Last month I sold at my first market! My friend Jules and I had a table at a local brewery where they host a monthly maker market, and it was so much fun. I’m already planning a second one this month and am hoping to continue this all year! From the market I also made a few commission sales – two house paintings and custom bookmarks for a book club. I had so much fun with those and can’t wait to keep painting (and maybe eventually selling crochet gifts as well?)

Learn a new language. 
I’ve been doing great with my Duolingo and listening to Coffee Break. Now I think I need to find a way to get real world experience with practicing! What’s also been helping me is a new account I found on Instagram- @anna_italian_ . She does daily lessons for common everyday phrases and words and I’ve been learning a lot!

ANNUAL GOAL: Phone free day monthly. I actually had 2 days phone free this month and it was great! Loving this goal to make me more intentional about how I’m on my phone and I think it’s lowering my usage overall?





Deep clean entire house. 
This month I did our other 2 bathrooms as well as our primary bedroom.

ANNUAL GOAL: Date night every month. The two dates we had for February and March were biking to a brewery or bottle shop (actually did two- Salty Turtle as a double date with friends and then Bottle Theory with just the two of us) and have an outdoor picnic (counted this as our camping trip this past weekend! Might have to have a re-do when it’s nicer outside and we’re not as busy).





Read best fiction of 2023. 
I read two more books from the list- The Wishing Game and Someone Else’s Shoes. I really enjoyed the whimsy and fun nature of The Wishing Game, but was a little bothered by the premise (lots of red flags going off that make it seem really unrealistic). Someone Else’s Shoes was fine but kind of dragged for me. I’m up to five books read on the list and have two more checked out from the library!

ANNUAL GOAL: Monthly cooking challenge. In February I cooked from the More Mediterranean cookbook, and made triple pea salad, tortilla espanola with anchoiade, and stuffed portobello mushrooms with spinach and gorgonzola. My favorite was definitely the tortilla- it was so flavorful and interesting- plus a good challenge to cook for the first time. In March I used Coconut & Sambal cookbook, which is Indonesian! The dishes I made were crispy soy and ginger roast potatoes, fried spiced soft-boiled eggs, soy mushrooms and pak choi, and banana fritters. Everything was amazing- especially the eggs. The spice blend that went with the eggs was so flavorful and I loved it! Definitely have to make again.


  1. Glad to see an amazing update from you, and can't wait to read about Argentina!


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