Goals for 2025

Good morning everyone! I hope you're all settling into the new year. I know for me, a new year is always a welcomed fresh start, and one that I really needed. Last year was kind of a stressful and very up and down, so I'm excited for this year to be full of new experiences, getting back in better routines, and taking better care of my health. With that being said, I always start the year with resolutions. I love a goal and checking things off, so for the last few months I've been keeping a list of new experiences I wanted to try. These are things that I've been wanting to try and haven't made an effort to do, or new things that I've heard of and wanted to give a go! I'll be tracking them as I cross each one off, but here is my list: Tarot Reading - I feel like a lot in my life is kind of up in the air right now, so I'm thinking it's a good time to try a tarot reading. I've never had any kind of reading done before, and to be honest I don't kn...