Goals for 2025

Good morning everyone! I hope you're all settling into the new year. I know for me, a new year is always a welcomed fresh start, and one that I really needed. Last year was kind of a stressful and very up and down, so I'm excited for this year to be full of new experiences, getting back in better routines, and taking better care of my health.

With that being said, I always start the year with resolutions. I love a goal and checking things off, so for the last few months I've been keeping a list of new experiences I wanted to try. These are things that I've been wanting to try and haven't made an effort to do, or new things that I've heard of and wanted to give a go! I'll be tracking them as I cross each one off, but here is my list:

Tarot Reading - I feel like a lot in my life is kind of up in the air right now, so I'm thinking it's a good time to try a tarot reading. I've never had any kind of reading done before, and to be honest I don't know if I 100% believe in it, but I think it would be a really cool experience.

Acupuncture - I'm very interested in eastern medicine and have a few friends that swear by acupuncture, dry needling, cupping, etc. I found a highly rated practitioner in my area and I'm really excited to give it a go to work on a few lingering issues I have.

Cooking Class - I love to cook, and Dan and I are always talking about wanting to try a cooking class! There are a lot in our area, but I also think it would be fun to try one on vacation this year.

Curling - We've been meaning to try out curling with some friends, so we finally signed up and I'm excited to give it a go! I don't love ice so I'm not sure how I'll do, but at least it'll be a new a different experience.

Solo Movie - I'm trying to get out of my shell and do more things alone, and I thought it would be fun to have a day where I take myself out to a movie and maybe get lunch or a drink afterwards. I know a lot of people that do this regularly and I want to see what the hype is about.

Go to the Ballet - To be fair, I have been to the Nutcracker with my mom and sister when I was younger, but I want to go again when it's not the holiday season.

Reiki - When I posted about my goals, one of my neighbors suggested I also give reiki a try. I really don't know what to expect with this, but I'm interested in giving it a go!

Buy a Piece of Art - I love going to art galleries and shows (particularly during First Friday in downtown Raleigh). Dan and I always talk about wanting to buy art to put around our house, so this year I'm making it a goal.

Snow Shoe - I'm kind of cheating with this goal because it's something I already have planned for an upcoming trip, but I've always wanted to go snow shoeing! I'm so excited to try it out and we're going somewhere that will be absolutely GORGEOUS.

Do a Pull Up - This is kind of a silly goal, but I've never been able to do a pull up! I'm pretty weak in my upper body so hopefully this will force me to work on it and actually get one for the first time in my life.

Try Splatter Art - There's a studio near us that has rooms that you rent out and throw paint at canvases. It's supposed to be really fun and the paintings look cool that come out, so this will be a fun little activity to do either as a date night with Dan or with some friends.

Join a Group Ride - I always feel like I'm too slow to join group rides, but this year I want to work on my biking and I thought joining a group would really help that. There are a ton of groups in the area so I figured it would help to start with a social, low-expectation ride and see what it's like.

What are some of your goals this year?


  1. These are such great and diverse goals! I love how you're focusing on new experiences and stepping out of your comfort zone. Wishing you the best as you check them off this year!


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